Vitamin C In Winter

Vitamin C In Winter

5 Vitamin C foods that you need to consume in winter to boost immunity

Updated on Nov 21, 2020 02:33 PM IST  | 1.7M

vitamin c

5 Vitamin C foods that you need to consume in winter to boost immunity

Vitamin C is consumed for various purposes like glowing skin, fighting cold and boosting immunity. Hence, it is important to know the right kind of vitamin c rich foods that are supposed to be consumed especially during the winter months to help survive the harsh weather.

Your immunity weakens as we start to approach winter because of extreme weather conditions and the dry air. Your body needs to restore energy and gain immunity to fight diseases and viruses. To know what foods are rich in vitamin c to eat during winter, follow this list and combat the cold.

1. Oranges


Oranges are amongst the citrus fruits that are highly concentrated with Vitamin C. There is about 128 per cent of Vitamin C in one orange.

2. Guava

Guava is a winter fruit that is highly packed with vitamin c and nutrients. One guava has 280 per cent Vitamin C. Guava is great to boost immunity and prevent diabetes.

3. Broccoli


Another seasonal vegetable, broccoli is a good carb and great in high fibre. It is best to boost immunity and curb overeating.

4. Kiwi

Include kiwi in your diet and daily consumption, this seasonal fruit is essential to boost immunity and is high in Vitamin C.

5. Papaya


Great for boosting immunity it also aids digestion. This fruit is packed with Vitamin C, loaded with Vitamin A and antioxidants.

Also Read: 5 Effective ways to include Apple Cider Vinegar to your diet for weight loss

Vitamin C In Winter


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